
  1. Millares Martin, P. “An Audit on Problem Lists Transfers in General Practice in Leeds, United Kingdom”. Journal of Digital Health, 2023: 2 (1) 82-87, DOI:
  2. Millares Martin P, Allsop MJ, and Carder P. Will Medical Cause of Death Certifications data quality improve in the UK with the new Medical Examiner system?. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2023; 99 102589. DOI:
  3. Millares Martin, P & Millares-Bobet J. An Observational Evaluation of Primary Care Online Resources. EMJ. 2023; DOI:
  4. Millares Martin, P. Data quality is an illusion. British Journal of General Practice 2022;  72 (725): 566.
  5. Millares Martin, P. The ART of Electronic Prescribing. Journal of Medical Systems (2022) 46:93
  6. Birtwistle J, Millares-Martin P, Evans CJ, Foy R, Relton S, Richards S, Sleeman KE, Twiddy M, Bennett MI, Allsop MJ. Mapping and characterising electronic palliative care coordination systems and their intended impact: A national survey of end-of-life care commissioners. PloS one. 2022; 17(10):e0275991.
  7. Millares Martin, P. Reducing medication errors still needs a health informatics solution in clinical practice. Health Technol. 2022.
  8. Millares Martin, P. Calls from the NHS should not have the number withheld. BMJ 2022;376:O332 doi:
  9. Millares Martin, P. The NHS: time to change and rebuild with 21st century tools. BMJ 2021;375:n3024
  10. Millares Martin, P; Bobet-Reyes, R M.  Screening for Heart Failure in Diabetes: A Way to Reduce Its Prevalence? A Proof of Concept of a Risk Assessment Tool. EMJ Diabet, 2021; 9(1):80-83.
  11. Millares Martin, P. NHS blood tube shortage reminds us of our waste.  BMJ 2021;375:n2401
  12. Millares Martin, P. The Problem with the “Problem List” Name. J Med Syst 45, 93 (2021).
  13. Millares Martin, P.  Is it time for other practitioners to certify death? Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2021; 82. 10.1016/j.jflm.2021.102211
  14. Millares Martin, P.  Electronic palliative care coordination system (EPaCCS) in practice: A useful tool? BMJ Support Palliat Care 2021; 11:146-148.
  15. Millares Martin, P. Quicker to run the test than to correct the errors found. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, eLetter. 2021
  16. Millares Martin, P.  General Practice Services in England During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Patient Access and Barriers. EMJ Innov. 2021; 5[1]: 70-77.
  17. Millares Martin, P. Non‐systematic review: Correspondence quality and interoperability between family physicians and hospital clinicians. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2021; 75(5): e13984. DOI
  18. Millares Martin, P. Law changes facilitate telemedicine. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2020.
  19. Millares Martin, P. Consultation analysis: use of free text versus coded text. Health Technol, 2021; 11(2), 349-357. DOI:
  20. Millares Martin, P. A good death is much more than anticipatory drugs. British Journal of General Practice, 2020; 70 (701): 581-582.  DOI:
  21. Millares Martin, P. Medical certificate of cause of death: Looking for an European single standard. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2020; 75.
  22. Millares Martin, P. Initial Anticoagulant Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis/Venous Thromboembolism in Primary Care: Review of Current Approaches. EMJ Hematol; 2020; 8[1]:93-99.
  23. Millares Martin, P. The Inadequacy of Coding Nomenclature to Represent the Timeline of a Disease (Like Diabetes).  Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2020; 14(5) 978–979
  24. Millares Martin, P. Pandemic preparedness starts in properly coded electronic health records. BJGP, 2020; 70 (695): 278-279.
  25. Millares Martin, P. Medicine, so far from an exact science. BMJ, 2020; 368.m1188.
  26. Millares Martin, P. Death certification in England must evolve (Considering current technology). Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2020; 69.
  27. Millares Martin, P; Sbaffi, L. Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Problem Lists in Leeds UK. Variability of General Practitioners’ views. Health Informatics Journal, 2020; 26 (3), 1841–1865.
  28. Millares Martin, P. High dose statins on the high street: possible drug interactions. BMJ, 2019; 367:l5924
  29. Millares Martin, P. Large retrospective analysis on frailty assessment in primary care: electronic Frailty Index versus frailty coding. BMJ Health Care Inform; 2019; 26
  30. Millares Martin, P. Coroner inquest into “hospital non-attendance” management in Primary Care. Br J Gen Pract; 2019; 69 (681): 195.
  31. Millares Martin, P. Dealing with Misquotations Constructively. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 2019; 14(1), 45-55.
  32. Millares Martin, P. Electronic medical records: Lengthy, inaccurate, and meaningless. BMJ. 2018;
  33. Millares Martin, P. Can we trust Electronic health records? The Smoking Test for Commission Errors. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 2018; 25(2), 105.
  34. Ziegler, L E; Craigs, C L; West, R M; Carder, P; Hurlow, A; Millares-Martin, P; Hall, G; Bennett, M I. Is palliative care support associated with better quality end-of-life care indicators for patients with advanced cancer? A retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 2018;8(1).
  35. Millares Martin, P. Electronic palliative care coordination system (EPaCCS): Interoperability is a problem. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2017; 8(3), 358-359.
  36. Millares Martin, P. Digital innovation is needed to deal with complexity of current medicine. BMJ, 2017.
  37. Bobet Reyes, R M; Millares Martin, P. Sharing ACP from general practice. BJGP, 2017.
  38. Millares Martin, P. New Year, New Challenges for Community Acquired Pneumonia. Archivos De Bronconeumología, 2017; 53(8), 469-470.
  39. Allsop, M J; Kite, S; Mcdermott, S; Penn, N; Millares-Martin, P; Bennett, M I. Electronic palliative care coordination systems: Devising and testing a methodology for evaluating documentation. Palliative Medicine, 2016; 31(5), 475-482.
  40. Millares Martin, P. The computer is still in training. BMJ, 2016; I6186.
  41. Millares Martin, P. Quality and Outcomes Framework indicators should not be used without proper clinical evidence. BMJ, 2014; 348(Apr03 1).
  42. Millares Martin, P. Eugenics debate. What is immoral about the eugenics article? BMJ, 2000; 320 (7238), 873.
  43. Millares Martin, P; Ross, S;  Kirollos, R. Value of early postoperative plain radiography following BOP fusion in cervical spinal surgery. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 1997; 11(4), 344-346.
  44. Millares Martin, P; Bobet-Reyes, R M; Marks, P. The A1 syndrome: A clinical entity? British Journal of Neurosurgery, 1996; 10(6), 599-602.